The Cinnamon Season Beard Care Kit
A precision-packed gift set for beardies with our legendary cinnamon (and frankly, a little Christmas-y) Cinnamon Season scent. The kit contains three things that every beard owner should know and use, i.e. natural oil for nourishment, just-as-natural shampoo for hair washing and a pear wood brush for quality combing.
The men of today are always hard at work – even too hard, at times. In the fight against overstimulation or any tiredness that might arise, the warm combo of cinnamon, grapefruit and santalwood is your sword.
All the while packed in a lavish, tailor-made box of highest quality Japanese paper. No plastic was used during manufacture – the entire box is completely recyclable.
What's in the box:
Japanese paper...
Sure, in the end it's all about what's inside, but perfect cosmetics deserves perfect packaging too. That's why we've made the boxes of our gift sets from premium Japanese paper and stamped them with a subtle embossed logo in the top right corner.